TESS Network News

EURYDICE publication (PDF) Get Acrobat Reader !
[Eurydice has just published the study 'National actions to implement Lifelong Learning in Europe'.
The survey conducted by Eurydice in cooperation with Cedefop, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, provides a detailed overview of initiatives implemented in various European countries to promote lifelong education.
The survey is structured around the six key messages in the Memorandum published by the European Commission in October 2000, as follows:
  • new basic skills for all;
  • more investment in human resources;
  • innovation in teaching and learning;
  • valuing learning;
  • rethinking guidance and counselling;
  • and bringing learning closer to home

The survey highlights the substantial differences that may be observed in the initiatives implemented in the various national systems, as well as the common trends which are nevertheless especially prominent]

[The education information network in Europe, produces reliable, readily comparable information on national education systems and policies.
We publish updated descriptive and comparative analyses on specific topics of European interest and surveys on subjects on the agenda of policy-makers]